A poem is an expression of emotions,feelings,and thoughts based on one`s experience.It communicates.Communication effectiveness
depends upon use of words,metaphors etc. on one hand and the receptiveness of the audience on the other.
Learning takes place early in life through lullabies,nursery songs, and other means.Rhythmic quality helps one to remember
and recall poems .
"YEYYATI,YEYYATI" is an invocation to the people to come together ,to see what can be done to promote wellbeing
and friendship among all communities by forgetting various kinds of differences:caste,creed,counties etc.People should come
together for the love of KONKANI language (Official language of the state of GOA in INDIA).All should speak and write Konkani.For
that purpose, one may have to exert a little.
For more, Click:Yeyyati!
Konkani ullayati! Konkanintu barayati !