Baren kornu rabbati sagle yatn kellyari konai na duble puro jalle attn soddun kadche kon gore anni kon kaale!
Kon taggu anni kon waile, kon barey anni kon wayle, kon mukhar anni kon magle, kon holle anni kon dhakle!
Khushalecher rabbati sagle sarv dharm hye javle-javle, sangat soddat manushamanshant, vantapneman bhed
hye jalle! Moolamitichi rukak roop aayle, khodamiti tna neeth ubrale, surywaryanthan pannani ghyetle, phullaphaln
divnu saarthak jalle! ooooooooooooooooooooooo
Words;Vocabulary Mool=root,Moolamitichi=because of the roots, Khod=stem,Khodamitichi=because of the stem,Rook=tree, Rookak=to
the tree, Roop=form,appearance,Aayle=came(Yenvche=to come).Neeth=erect,straight, Ubrale=stood(Ubrounche=to stand),Surya/Sury=Sun,
Varyanthan=from the wind,(from the atmosphere),Vaaro=wind,breeze, Paan=leaf, Pannani=by the leaves,Ghetle=took,(Ghenvche=to
take,Ghe=please take,Gheyyati=please take -plural form-,)Phul=flower,Phulln=flowers,Phal=fruit,Phaln=fruits,Divnu=by giving,(Dinvche=to
give), Saarthak=fulfillment
All of you live in harmony, if one tries no one is weak, enough now of finding out, who is fair and who is
Who is down and who is above, who is good and who is otherwise, who is big and who is small, who
is in front and whois behind!
All of you live happily, all religions are like twin-brothers, harmonise human
relationships, these distinctions-result of "Division of work" rule!
Tree got its form due to the roots, because
of the stem it stood upright leaves took (sustainance)from the Sun and the Wind, fulfillment-by giving flowers and
For this poem in Devnagari script visit Ayyoba (http;//ohho4.tripod.com/
Words:Vocabulary Baren=good, Bare kornu=harmoniously, rabbati=live,stay (plural of "Rabba"=live, from "rabbche"=tostay,
to live ),Sagle=all, Yatn=efforts, Kellyari=if done (conditional form "Korche"=to do ,Kelle=did), Kon=who, konayi=anyone,Naa=no,not,Duble=plural
of "Dublo"=weak)), Puro=enough!, Puro jalle=it is enough, Attn=now, Soddun kadche=to find out (Soddche=to find,to
seek),Manushamansha Gore=fair,Kaale=black,dark, Taggu=down,underneath), Vaile=above, Bare/baray=good, Wayle=others,otherwise,
Mukhar=in front,forward ,Magle=behind,later, Holle=big,Dhakle=small, Khushalecher=happily, sarv=all, Dharm=religion/s, Hye=these,
Javle-javle=twins, Sangat=friendship,(Saangati=friend,escort),Manushamanshant=between man and man,Vantap=division,(Vantap
Korche=to divide,to allocate), Neman=Niyaman=by the rule/principle, Bhed=differences,distinctions