It is easy to learn Konkani.I wrote a short story:"Taw Dees" in D.G.Ruparel College Magazine in 1953-54 and an article:"Konkani
Bhas anni tigeli Pragati" in 1954-55.As the Hon.Jt.Secretary ,along with Shri Sumant Kelekar(Publisher-"JAAG',Konkani Monthly)
who wasHon. Jt.Secy. from the Arts Faculty I had the good fortune of actively working to hold the First Inter-Collegiate Konkani
Dramatic Competition in1954-55.KANARA SARASWAT ASSOCIATION and its Managing Committee -Shri G.S.Mavinkurve, Shri G.S.Kodkani,Shri.Dinesh
D.Kalyanpur and others were instrumental in this endeavour.Shri.S.K.NADKARNI -Trophy was awarded to"SATYASHEEL HARISHCHANDRA"
--(Arun Hoskote,Dattu Mallapur,Suresh Mavinkurve were the stage artists,Shaila Vinekar played the role of Taramati.. Shri
Venkatesh Talgeri(Talgeri Venkataa)- the doyen of Konkani Stage trained the team.)The second entry from Ruparel College was
directed by Shri Sumant Kelekar in which he also played a leading role.
In the companies for which I worked I had many friends from the Kanaras:Talgeri,Ramdas Kamath,Claudius A.Shenoy,Felix
Pinto,Peres,Vaz, W.Pereira to name a few.
After attending the World Konkani Conference at Mangalore along with Shri Mohan Hattikudur in 1997/8 , I joined the
KONKANI BHASHA MANDAL,MUMBAI as a Life member.I was later co-opted in the Managing Commitee of KBMM.I helped Shri J.B.Moraes
to the extent possible in organising the Konkani Recognotion Day Function at the Vishwerayya Hall,Matunga ,Mumbai400016 in
2000.On All India Radio Mumbai (AKASHWANI) I recited my Konkani poems.(5-30p.m.).I pay my respects to Shenai Goembab,S.S.Talmaki,Bakibab
Borkar,Ravindra Kelekar, Manoharrai Desai ,J.B.Moraes,J.B.Sequeira and Konkani-Sardar Basti Vaman Shenoy.
My friendly advice to all:Speak Konkani,Read Konkani,Write Konkani and most of all-LOVE KONKANI and KONKANIS, and
all your neighbours,your countr ymen and of course ,all Humanity!
(World Konkani Conference in 1995.) |